As usual, when Simon can't win on the facts he has to resort to strawman fallacies.
Coded Logic
JoinedPosts by Coded Logic
Climate Change - True Believer or Skeptic?
by Simon inclimate change ... who doesn't believe it?
crazy fools and science deniers ... right?.
it seems like it's become the new religion, the new orthodoxy, that must be accepted and believed as gospel and preached to all.. is it ok to be skeptical?.
Climate Change - True Believer or Skeptic?
by Simon inclimate change ... who doesn't believe it?
crazy fools and science deniers ... right?.
it seems like it's become the new religion, the new orthodoxy, that must be accepted and believed as gospel and preached to all.. is it ok to be skeptical?.
Coded Logic
The research has been done on this exact topic. And it finds that wind turbines not only have a high Energy Return on Investment - they also out preform fossil fuels and nuclear power. So the argument that a windmill could never generate as much energy as was invested in building it is completely and utterly false:
"The EROI entails the comparison of the electricity generated to the amount of primary energy used in the manufacture, transport, construction, operation, decommissioning, and other stages of facility’s life cycle (Fig. 2) Comparing cumulative energy requirements with the amount of electricity the technology produces over its lifetime yields a simple ratio for energy return on investment (EROI) . . . The average EROI for just the operational studies is 19.8 (n¼60; std. dev ¼13.7). This places wind in a favorable position relative to fossil fuels, nuclear, and solar power generation technologies in terms of EROI."
Note, this is just the "operational studies." It doesn't include the fact that windmills are becoming more efficient over time and are able to produce greater amounts of energy. So we can expect its EROI to go up even more.
Is White Nationalism A Major Problem In Your Opinion?
by minimus inafter seeing the atrocity in new zealand, do you think white nationalism is a major issue affecting you or where you live?.
somebody already called out chelseaclinton, blaming her for the attack!
Coded Logic
it's that many SNEAKING IN ILLEGALLY are criminals.
This is patently false. The criminal rate for immigrants - legal or otherwise - is lower than the American population.
and the crimes are not arrests for smoking pot
This is not accurate either. African Americans are convicted of marijuana possession at a rate of 370% compared to Caucasians.'s left wing propaganda saying right wing people say that ALL Mexicans are criminals.
I don't know of anyone saying "all Meixicans are criminals." But I do know of at least one person who is saying Mexican Immigrants are criminals:
"When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people . . .They’re sending us not the right people. The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everyone elses problems."
-Donald J. Trump
Climate Change - True Believer or Skeptic?
by Simon inclimate change ... who doesn't believe it?
crazy fools and science deniers ... right?.
it seems like it's become the new religion, the new orthodoxy, that must be accepted and believed as gospel and preached to all.. is it ok to be skeptical?.
Coded Logic
What about Germany? What does that have to do with the efficiency of green energy?
You seem to be confusing Germany's decision to get rid of nuclear power (premature in my opinion) with an actual policy that moves a country away from fossil fuels.
This is not a pie in the sky idea. Iceland, Sweden, and Costa Rica have all succeeded in achieving 100% renewable energy. And dozens of other countries are operating at greater than 50% renewables. For countries like the US where we have a large population and we like to live in big houses - we like to drive big cars - we like to light up our cities like their a god-damn rave scene - etc. the transition is going to take a lot longer and require a lot more investment. But every little bit helps. And the more we do now the smaller price we'll pay economically and environmentally.
Is White Nationalism A Major Problem In Your Opinion?
by minimus inafter seeing the atrocity in new zealand, do you think white nationalism is a major issue affecting you or where you live?.
somebody already called out chelseaclinton, blaming her for the attack!
Coded Logic
There are many Right Wing conspiracies. There was Pizza Gate that prompted hundreds of threatening calls and ended with a man taking his rifle to DC and firing shots into the restaurant. All because they thought Hillary Clinton was running a sex ring in the basement of the pizzeria (the building has no basement FYI).
There have been others that can be quite specific from Trump insisting Obama wasn't a US citizen - to the persistent belief that the UN is trying to overtake the US to create a "one world order" - to a secrete "deep state" that's secretly controlling our government. There are also yet others that are far more vague - Jews are trying to take over the world - blacks are the cause of crime - and most Mexican's coming to the US are rapist and drug smugglers.
I believe the vast majority of these people aren't evil or crazy. They're just ordinary people who are deeply misinformed by Right Wing propaganda and a political system that far too often uses fear to manipulate it's members.
Climate Change - True Believer or Skeptic?
by Simon inclimate change ... who doesn't believe it?
crazy fools and science deniers ... right?.
it seems like it's become the new religion, the new orthodoxy, that must be accepted and believed as gospel and preached to all.. is it ok to be skeptical?.
Coded Logic
I always have to laugh at the silly Republicans who worry about the environmental cost of "manufacturing" solar panels and wind turbines. Gas and coal refineries and power plants ALSO have to be manufactured (and at a much higher environmental cost). But the environmental cost to manufacture them is absolutely minuscule compared to the pollution they put out by burning their fuel - not to mention the fact that these fuels have to be shipped hundreds if not thousands of miles.
We can build wind turbines and solar panels that get their energy on the spot and don't put out green house gases. Or, we can be stupid, and build more gas and coal planets and refiners that put pollution into our atmosphere and need their fuel brought to them from halfway around the world. Which one do you think sounds more efficient?
A Question for Born-ins Who Had a Parent Leave the Cult Before They Did
by jp1692 inquestion: have any of you that are now exjws had a parent leave the religion before you, and you shunned them because of that?
if so—and while you were still in the cult—what, if anything, could your parent have done to reach your heart and begin a reconciliation?
it’s been almost ten years since i left the religion and my two sons continue to shun me and rebuff all efforts i make to reconcile.
Coded Logic
My Mother left long before I did. Thinking back on it now, it was a bit of a role reversal and kinda makes me laugh. When I turned 18 she started listening to heavy metal, smoking pot, and had a boyfriend that she lived with.
She never got DF'd but I always knew that if she was I would never shun her. I just could never do that. I was born into the religion and heavily indoctrinated. But I'm so happy that I had the presence of mind and the human decency to know the silent treatment is no way to treat those we love.
If someone offered me a million dollars to never talk to my family again I would turn them down. If they offered me a medical treatment that would give me eternal youth but I could never see my family again - I would turn them down. And if they offered me a chance to live in a paradise but I had to forsake my family and watch them die in an apocalypse - I'd politely tell them to f*** off!
Is White Nationalism A Major Problem In Your Opinion?
by minimus inafter seeing the atrocity in new zealand, do you think white nationalism is a major issue affecting you or where you live?.
somebody already called out chelseaclinton, blaming her for the attack!
Coded Logic
Do not fret my friend, nobody is trying to wipe out our culture/heritage/ancestry. Our nation is a culture of cultures. Like everything in life, it is transient and evolves over time. Colonialism gave way to the Victorian era. The Victorian era to the industrial age. The industrial age to the nuclear family. The nuclear family to the hippies. And the hippies (confoundingly) to the information age. Etc.
The impact, importance, and history of our culture/heritage/ancestry is well preserved. In our books. In our films. And within each of us. Immigrants have shaped and changed our identity throughout the entire existence of the United States through a process of Hellenization. We extract the best parts - and jettison the rest. For multiculturalism doesn't mean equal value. But rather equal consideration.
We have much to be proud of. Not as nationalists nor supremacists but as Americans. Because we don't just tolerate other cultures. We celebrate the best of in each of them.
Is White Nationalism A Major Problem In Your Opinion?
by minimus inafter seeing the atrocity in new zealand, do you think white nationalism is a major issue affecting you or where you live?.
somebody already called out chelseaclinton, blaming her for the attack!
Coded Logic
Concerning the OP, I suppose it depends on what you mean by "major problem". In my opinion, I think Jihadism and lone "mass shooters" are a far bigger problem. And I think our governments resources have been rightly prioritized to address these threats.
That being said, I do think White Nationalism is both dangerous and on the rise. I feel the same way about WN as I do about mainstream Islam - that is to say; the vast bulk White Nationalists are not terrorist. But it's unimaginably problematic that they often provide cover and fuel to those who do carry out these acts of hate, harm, and murder.
Climate Change - True Believer or Skeptic?
by Simon inclimate change ... who doesn't believe it?
crazy fools and science deniers ... right?.
it seems like it's become the new religion, the new orthodoxy, that must be accepted and believed as gospel and preached to all.. is it ok to be skeptical?.
Coded Logic
Why are we supposed to believe and just roll over when people shout "science denier" when the same people don't think babies are alive or that men and women are different?
Please point me to a single person on here who has said that babies aren't alive. Oh, what's that, you can't because no one has EVER said that? Stop obfuscating and start addressing what people are actually saying. Your persistent "whataboutism" is getting tedious.